Lakes student ministries consists of our 6-12 grade students. They meet in the lower level teen room referred to as the “PIT.”
One writer appropriately named them, referring to the teenage years, the “Age of Opportunity”. At Lakes, we truly view our student’s time as teenagers as an opportunity. An opportunity parents to shape them and the students to learn, grow and begin thinking for themselves. We are thankful to God to be able to assist to this end. We don’t have a fancy name for our group of teens. We simply strive to focus on the following areas.
Doctrine is simply the explanation of what God has done through Jesus, why He has done it, and why it matters to us. With this in mind, we don’t teach the Bible as a list of rules for godly living. Rather, we seek to unfold the redemptive work of Jesus Christ and how this challenges and changes our living. Our Sunday morning class and Wednesday night Teen University have a heavy emphasis on discovering this.
Mission has to do with our purpose. Often, teenage students are viewed in light of their potential. However, as valuable members of the redemptive community, there is a purpose that must be realized now. Through attendance, involvement, and outreach we teach how they can serve to both glorify God and encourage others now.
During the high school years, we often form more close relationships than any other season of life. At Lakes, we believe God gave us these relationships to spread the gospel to some and encourage others in the gospel. Our Sunday night time serves this purpose by providing an atmosphere to do exactly this. The focus is on the explanation of and the training in the gospel message.