At Lakes we strive to sing, play and learn music that is both biblically sound in lyrical content and which uses music that supports the words we sing. We use a variety of music sources, from a variety of periods of time, seeking God-honoring music that falls into this category. The music portion of our service would probably be best described as “blended”, using a good deal of modern music and songs and blending them with solid, theologically rich songs of the past. At Lakes our love of music is seen in our emphasis on it and care in planning for it.

Areas of Music Ministry
Praise Team
Each Sunday during our morning worship services our praise team leads in a time of singing consisting of singers, guitars, piano, keyboards, percussion, as well as woodwind and brass instruments. We appreciate the dedication these instrumentalists give, often having midweek and weekend rehearsals in preparation for leading God’s people.
Adult Choir
Our adult choir serves us on occasion throughout the year, sometimes during special Sundays and often during Christmas and Easter. We love adding extra voices to our choir, so pay attention to announcements to see how you can get involved.
Teen Band
Our youth band serves as the training ground for many of our young praise team musicians. The teens lead the youth, CrossWatchers and VBS music, all while developing the skill and love for God exalting music and worship.
Music Makers
Our children’s choir has served us at Easter, Christmas and spring plays. We have gifted musicians and leaders who take time with them throughout the year in training and teaching how to sing and prepare them to serve the church. Music Makers, for Grades 1 – 5, meets on Sunday mornings at 9:00am.