*Childcare for all younger children is provided each week.
Wednesday nights at Lakes are a time of mid-week connection and deepening our love for God by way of specific Bible studies. Here is what is currently happening on Wednesdays:
CrossWatchers meets at 6:30 each Wednesday evening during the normal school year and is open to all children from K4 – 5th grades. This weekly program is filled with verse memorization, games, lessons, snacks and more. Any given Wednesday night may be a special “themed” night so get and board and check it out!
Middle School PIT
Our 6-8th grade students use Sunday evening as a time of learning, with classroom style discussions on doctrines or other specific studies. The class is currently walking through a study entitled Visual Theology.
Men’s Study
Our men walk through various Bible book studies, or specific topic studies and are currently looking at: Elijah, A Man Just Like Us.
Women’s Study
Our women’s class meets together and walks through various book studies or topics. This fall they will be looking at 1 Peter.
For more information on our English as Second Language program please click here.